Building a new record cabinet
During my move from Pittsburgh PA to the Pennsylvania Wilds I tore down my old record cabinet that had been with me for several years and places of living. I tore it down because I had frankly outgrew it with my collection and I wasn't happy with the construction; I made that thing half-drunk with scrap wood and a dremel saw over the edge of my brick porch on Mt. Washington. It wasn't clean.
It was definitely sad to break it down, of course. Not only had it been with me for ages but I had painted the sides with a very good friend who I don't get to see much anymore (I saved these side panels for display elsewhere in the new place). It was hard to ignore the shoddy construction and the damage stuffing more records in there was doing to my collection, however, so once the wood shop was set up enough to rip some plywood I got started on an upgrade.
I ended up using plans/guide from Jen Woodhouse – mostly because it was designed to fit a ton of records without a lower section (I don't like bending down lol). I also prefer the record-store style of cabinet that allows you to 'flip' through covers even though it takes up a lot more space. Other plans I saw also involved drawers which I thought added unnecessary complexity – especially since I don't like to hide things in drawers to begin with.
far from perfect, and I still have to build a book shelf or something for it to sit on; the idea of putting legs on something this chunky is kinda silly to me... but at least my records are out of cardboard boxes!
anyway, build pics: